Eagle Seed Co

MultiMax Soybeans by Eagle Seed

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  • Regular price $164.95
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MULTIMAX™ soybeans, a patented innovation, produce 6-7+ leaves per leaflet—doubling the standard three—maximizing nutrition for peak antler growth.

The seed (“Seed”) is proprietary to EAGLE SEED (“EAGLE”) and has a U.S. PATENT issued.  EAGLE grants to any person who buys, receives, opens, or uses Seed (collectively the “Recipient”), a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the product licensed hereunder for the sole purpose of production of a single crop. Recipient agrees that Recipient is not acquiring any rights to use Seed for purposes other than production of a single crop. Under this license, Recipient shall not reproduce (sexually or asexually) said Seed or plants produced therefrom or transfer said Seed, nor subject Seed or plants produced therefrom (nor their pollen or any other plant part) to any breeding, sexual or asexual propagation, biotechnology process, or any other genetic manipulation techniques, including (but not limited to) tissue culture, genetic fingerprinting, transformation, or gene editing techniques.  Export of Seed and the crop produced therefrom for planting, breeding, sexual or asexual propagation, and/or biotechnology purposes is prohibited under this license.  Unless accepted on the foregoing terms, Recipient shall return Seed in the original unopened container within 15 days of purchase for a refund of the purchase price.                                                                                             

Product Weight


Coverage Area

Broadcast 3/4 acre, drilled or plants one acre