Frost Seeding Seed

Seeding Time and Method – The basic principal behind frost seeding is the “honey-combing” action that is created by alternating freezing and thawing cycles in late winter. To take advantage of these soil changes, frost seeding should occur in February or early March. Seeding should be done when the ground is still frozen. Avoid seeding on heavy snow since a fast melt may wash off seeds. Frost seeding on top of snow, especially with fertilizer, is not recommended because rapid snow melting may cause the seed to be washed away.

6. Post-Seeding Management – Control of grass and weed competition during the first two or three months of the growing season is critical for the establishment of adequate legume stands. Use Chemicals such as Imox, Clethodim or Butyrac 200 (24DB). Go to keystone Pest Solutions, Category Food Plot Products, Tab Herbicide.  Some mowing will be necessary to help control grass and weeds. I prefer mowing first in mid to late April and then after two weeks make a determination on which Chemical to use. Imox will control both grasses and weeds, Clethodim will control just grasses and Butyrac 200 (24DB) will control just weeds. 
Any questions regarding Frost Seeding feel free to text me @ 513-284-1872. Texting is the best and fastest way to contact me.