In the world of food plots for white-tail deer, soybeans are often thought of as one of the top choices available. There is no shortage of amazing photography in all four seasons of the year of deer using soybeans as a major food source. I often refer to them as an ice cream crop, meaning deer universally love them and will seemingly feed in them for hours. The other reason I refer to them this way is much like a kid that is given ice cream for a treat, deer will find soybeans almost immediately after planting and browse them until nothing is left. Deer density, food plot size, and surrounding food resources are all major factors in whether a soybean planting will be successful or not. Small plots in areas with very little or no other good food sources stand a good chance of being over-browsed without the use of some type of fencing or deterrent. Larger food plots, 2-5 acres, and in areas with other row crop soybeans have a better chance of reaching a stage of growth where the plants are able to withstand the browse pressure and continue to grow.