Eagle Seed Co

Chufa (Turkey: Best on Sandy/Loose Soil) 1 Acre

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Chufa seed (Cyperus esculentus) is a warm season bunch grass planted in food plots for deer, turkey, ducks, hogs and other wildlife.  Chufa is a legume species that produce a tasty under ground nut or tuber that wild turkey scratch up and eat. Chufas are similar to peanuts and are especially appealing to wild turkey as well as other wildlife.  Chufas take between 75 and 125 days to mature and start producing nuts or seeds.  If the turkeys and other wildlife have not located the seeds after 75-100 days pull a few plants and see if the plants have seeds.  If they do then pull up, scratch or disk a small section of the plot to expose the seeds to the turkeys and other wildlife.  After they figure out where to find the chufa seeds you will see scratching and digging everywhere! 

50lbs covers 1 Acre